יום השואה
י"ב לעומר
ותן ברכה
לא תחנון
6:00 to 9:00 pm at Amp Up Action Park, 13901 Manchester Rd. Guests will enjoy the finest in kosher smoked meats and BBQ with celebrated pitmaster Jon Rubin, Sushi with sushi chef Aharon Edelstein, Axe Throwing, Go Carts, High Ropes Course, Laser Tag, Custom Rolled Cigars, Top Shelf Adult Beverages, S.W.A.G., Jon's Secret Meat Rub, Special Surprises and more! $136/person; sponsorships are available.
Day 12 of the omer
Davening Times: 8:00 AM & 7:40 PM
Sha'a Zmanis/Zmanit: 69 minutes
Alos/Alot: 4:27 AM
Earliest Tallis/Tallit: 5:00 AM
Sunrise: 5:58 AM
Latest Sh'ma: 9:28 AM
Chatzos/Chatzot: 12:58 PM
Mincha Gedola: 1:33 PM
Plag Mincha: 6:30 PM
Sunset: 7:57 PM
Tzeis/Tzeit: 8:39 PM
Davening times above are computer-generated and may change. Please see the announcements for the most accurate times.
Schedule of Services
Shabbos/Shabbat: Shacharis/Shacharit
Hashkama: 7:30 AM
Regular minyan: 9:00 AM
Teen minyan: 9:45 AM
Tot Shabbat (preschool) and youth groups (grades K-4): 10:30 AM
Shabbos/Shabbat: Mincha/Maariv
Erev Shabbos/Shabbat, winter: 5 minutes before candlelighting
Erev Shabbos/Shabbat, summer (daylight savings time): 7:00 PM
Shabbos/Shabbat: 35 minutes before sunset
Weekdays: Shacharis/Shacharit
Sundays and Legal Holidays: 8:00 AM
Mondays and Thursdays: 6:30 AM
Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays: 6:40 AM
Weekdays: Mincha/Maariv
20 minutes before sunset
Notes on Davening
- We use the RCA Artscroll Ashekenazi siddur. Our baalei tefilla use either the Sephardic or Ashkenazi havarah, depending on their personal preferences.
- Our minhagim generally follow the Luach Ezras Torah.
- For Shabbos/Shabbat candlelighting times and exact times for mincha, please see the bulletin.
- On days school is not in session (summer and Chol Hamoed) there may be an additional Shacharis/Shacharit Shacharit minyan at 8 am; check the announcements.
- Legal Holidays are New Year's Day, Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and December 25th.
- On weekdays when the Torah is read, Shacharis/Shacharit follows the Monday-Thursday schedule.
- The actual algorithm for weekday mincha is 20 minutes before the earliest sh'kia for that week, rounded up to the next multiple of 5 minutes. The actual algorithm for mincha on erev Shabbos/Shabbat is candlelighting time, rounded down to the previous multiple of 5 minutes.